
open_plan project consortium

The open_plan project consortium is composed of the Reiner Lemoine Institut (RLI), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie (DGS) and the Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK). It is funded within the framework of the "Technology-oriented systems analysis" funding area of the BMWi's 7th Energy Research Programme "Innovation for the energy transition".

open_plan project website

You can visit the open_plan website to know more about the cellular approach and the open_plan project

Feedback or question?

You can always leave us a comment or feedback on things you would improve. You can also visit our github project page to see which bugs are being fixed and which new features are being developed.

If you wish to sponsor a new feature of open-plan-tool, please visit our sponsoring page


You can follow the development of this user interface, or deploy your own open-plan tool (including simulation server and user interface) by visiting our github page

Simulation server

Our simulations run on a server hosted at RLI, the code to setup the simulation server is licenced under MIT License and publicly available on our github page. The simulation are perfomed with multi-vector-simulator, a code using oemof-solph to simulate energy system model from techno-economic parameters.

This webapp design

Bryan Lancien from bryanlancien-ui